CRISIS IN NEW YORK: 94-year-old vet struggles to move on after nursing home evicts him, replaced by migrants

BY Megan Myers | November 29, 2023 | CRISIS IN NEW YORK

Immoral Business Shenanigans

Our national government has taken a dark, dangerous turn, many suffering but our veterans? Yes, they are being harmed without a thought, unacceptable behavior(Metatag)


        This sad but true article only confirms what we have been hearing, reading, and even witnessing, this country is not standing for its citizens or veterans.  This truth had been being swept quietly under the carpet, but no more

        Words are almost not enough when you read this man’s terrible story and in you heart of hearts know he is not alone in his suffering, his suffering is inflicted by his own country

        We are by design a nation built by immigration, but when did we make the moral decision to leap to illegal immigrants and their wants and desires over our own citizens, when, this cannot go on, no more

Let’s look at His word as we start today;

1 Corinthians 10: 13

No temptation, (regards of its source) has overtaken or enticed you, that is not common to human experience, *nor is any temptation beyond human resistance) but God is faithful *to His word, He is compassionate and trustworthy) and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, (to resist) but along with the temptation He (in the past and is now) will (always) provide the way out as well so that you will be able to endure (without yielding and overcome temptation with joy)

What Say You…

                The sneaky, quiet one who comes into tis country without permission and without request, how is he or she to be blessed and cared before our own veterans who served with honor and dignity, how

        A veteran dying on the street, or making a decision to walk in front of a train because they cannot take it anymore, a veteran watching an illegal take his benefits, what is to be done for the veteran

Excuse Me. Sir You Have to Move

Our veteran living in this facility noticed a note one day stating that they all had to pack up and move out, the facility was shutting down. The only problem was this, their were elderly veterans with no place to, this was New York and the options were limited.

Suddenly the time came and the boom was lowered and time up was, they were forced to pack and leave, it was being sold, shut down and possibly re-opened.  Frank was forced to move to another facility which did not meet his needs.

Actually, two moves later, a hospital stay because he fell and got injured and finally he ended moving in with his daughter because there was nothing available.  No his first choice, he did not want to be a burden, but it was that or the streets.

The Government that Favors the Illegals over the Veteran

Franks daughter was involved in all the steps as he was forced to make, the hospital stay and the move into her home and she was not buying the facilities story of it being sold. She was sure that something was up and she pursued the investigation. She was not pleased with the no result of her investigation

After all her dad was not the only veteran who had planned on living out their days at the facility. When she pushed hard enough and found the right connections, she found out that it was being converted to ‘migrant housing,’ meaning used for illegals. Since when did “housing for the Homeless,” sell out for this agenda?

Homes for the Homeless had made an arrangement with city hall to move migrants into the facility after kicking out all the senior citizens and veterans that has been living there for years, regards of them not being able to find out living arrangements

Death on the Battlefield, the Streets, but not in Peace

Military service is one of the most honorable ways to serve this country however at times this nation has allowed itself to drop the ball when it comes to caring for our wounded and injured warriors. The homeless numbers prove this out, often called the ‘forgotten’ survivors
Exactly how many veterans are on the streets, how many die on the streets, how many actually commit suicide on the streets is unknown, but to remove veterans from housing for illegals is immoral, is unamerican

We honor and give commendations and medals and ribbons to those who are wounded and even lay their life down for this nation, and this is the least we should do, but when it comes to veteran care we are falling short by miles, making them homeless is unacceptable

I Signed up to Serve, Now Have it Lost All…

Frank himself is the first to say that he did not see combat in the Korean conflict, but he was part of the state side network to help the war effort. But he says that the others that were with him as the facility saw battle and are not in good shape, why should they suffer all over again.

It is estimated in 2021 that we had about 40, 000 homeless veterans and then in 2023 that number was a shocking 61,195 again, an average.  This is not just combat related but many events, but how are we okay with the drastic rise in those numbers?

But the United States Government continues with it’s wicked, immoral and evil plots and plans to invite, welcome, house, feed and care for illegals while the number of homeless and dying veterans skyrocket, this cannot go on. These are those that served this nation, we have a moral duty to them

I Gave this Country My Best, Now What…

Not all veterans came home fully whole, physically, externally yes, but internally not, they are broken in a way that is unseen but still critically broken and makes it hard for them to re-engage the world that they left when they deployed.

These numbers are the greater of the homeless veterans on the streets, Frank was not one of the broken ones, but still with the focus on the illegal over the veterans, where the elderly cannot even get home health assistance right now, we are on a bad trend

Veterans gave their best, their families served indirectly with them, and now the families are being called up to serve again, but what if they have no families, what are our veterans to do, why is this acceptable, an illegal over a veteran, why, how, moral abyss is getting nearer, also known as the slippery slope


        Homelessness is up across the board, but strategically so with our veterans’ communities, and when they land on the streets it is not a soft or safe landing. Especially when their services are given over to the illegals

        Housing, facilities and the like are being converted to migrant housing to hold them because our government will not close the border. So elder veterans like get eviction notices with no alternat places to go, except the streets

        I can only wonder how many agree with Frank, “these migrant are getting everything, and I get nothing, nothing and it angers me,” it is wrong. There are certain things that are just wrong and require no explanation and this is that

Let me remind you the facility he was staying was operated by “Homes for the Homeless,” not Homes for the Illegals!  


Answer this, your father, your grandmother served this nation, stateside or on foreign soil, what would your reaction be if they were evicted from a care facility for illegals? That is the bottom line of this article, veterans mean less than illegals

Answer this, does our nation have a sacred duty to all members of our armed services where they served in active duty or not, served in foreign field of combat or not, is there a scared duty to give them their due as was promised

Answer this, how has it been accepted that the unchecked, unverified, the unknow wandering into this natin with unknown intent can receive all that our veterans are unable to receive, with the exception of an honor filled funeral after they die

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